Who Needs Sleep?

Who needs sleep? Well you're never gonna get it
Who needs sleep? Tell me what's that for
Who needs sleep? Be happy with what you're getting
There's a guy who's been awake since the Second World War

Sometimes I wonder if this BNL tune about insomnia isn't the theme song for my life. I need a siesta, big-time. I am definitely tired, and have time enough for sleep; I just can't. It is like falling on the ground and somehow missing.

I am not sure what the deal is, but I have learned to use my wakeful time more fruitfully. At least I can rule this out. Last I checked, the only clowns in my house go to bed at eight.

She may look intimidating, but she can't bite (yet)

The worst part about not sleeping is imagining all the things I could have done with the time. The last few nights I have given up after about 30-40 minutes and just got up to paint. I know I'm tired, but now I have something constructive to show for it.

Making Waves
Here is what I have been working on:

It all has to start somewhere. Hopefully these seemingly
scattered lines will turn into something much more interesting.

I have the sketch on canvas, along with the preliminary texturing which you can't really see in this picture, as it is clear gel. The texture is what gives it such a messy appearance at the moment. I also started the underpainting for the waves. The fun really starts when the underpainting is finished, as I get to add layer upon layer of thin, clear colored glazes which really give the texture some depth.

I may not be sleeping, but there are worse things I could be doing with my time.

In the "Where did the time go?" category
Ever wanted to say a tongue twister in Scottish Gaelic? Not to taste? German and Czech are two more popular choices. I can't read the Chech, but the site can do a rough translation for those that may be interested in what they are saying aloud.

How about looking at some interesting images? DPChallenge is as close to full-contact digital photography as I've seen. Some really creative stuff.

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