Looking Back to Move Ahead

While I work on some new ideas for my next painting, I am digging through some old sketches and paintings. I really liked this one:

I Cannot Go Back

This painting actually provided me a little scare. It was lost in shipping for over six months; UPS had prepared an insurance check for the buyer. I was heart-broken. I considered it my best work at the time, and I feared it was lost forever. But like the prodigal son, it miraculously appeared, with a torn crate and broken frame. Fortunately, the harm was only on the exterior; the canvas itself was no worse for the wear. If I could feel such great joy at the return of this object of my creation, how much more must Christ feel when we return to him?

In the "Show the Story" Category:
Here is a Murillo from the National Gallery of Art.
What about Rembrandt?
Something a little different from Carl Grupp.
I really like this woodcut by Gwen Raverat.
This work by Sybil Andrews is simply beautiful!


Courtney said...

This is such a beautiful piece. I'm glad you didn't lose it. I'm a christian and a painter also. I really like your blog & I feel we have a lot in common. Would you like to swap links?

frostykaiser said...

You have a fun blog. Silly, but in a good way. I added you to my blogroll. Thanks.