To Light Their Way

In the throws of non-sleep last night, I gained a better picture of my next work will become. The dramatic curve in the morning sky used in the painting from my previous post really captures the eye, and I plan to carry the basic layout into a sunset or evening sky for this piece. The curves should add some movement to the work, which was greatly lacking. Here is a revised sketch:

A Pillar of Fire Redux

I also decided to use the more flowing pillar, as it seems to have more life. I am looking for an image showing the will of God in action, not a big bonfire. I hope to get the sketch on canvas this weekend.

In the "Things That Relate to None of This" category:
I stumbled upon the blog of a real live preacher. Actually, his name is Gordon and he pastors a church in San Antonio. The site's name comes from his hope to be "real" in his writing; he does it well.

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